Committed to Our Cause

Lee and Robin McElfresh
Lee and Robin were trained up under Pastors Mark and Tasha Bintliff at New Creation Church in Glenwood Springs Colorado. They both graduated from Bible School and Prayer School of NCC and were very involved in serving their pastors and church members in many areas.
Lee served as the Jail/Prison Ministry lead for eight years and has served in multiple other ministries such as Extended Table, Greeting, Cleaning, Maintenance, Pastoral Care, Leadership, Men's Ministry, Guest Ministries, Evangelism and Outreach.
Robin served for many years as the Evangelism Department lead and many other ministries as well, including Senior Care, Extended Table, Women's Ministry, Guest Ministries, Cleaning, Greeting.
Both Lee and Robin also helped their Pastors by becoming temporary pastors of the satellite New Creation Church in Meeker Colorado.
They have a heart for the lost and have received the calling to not only "save the lost", but also to help the "saved" become trained to "reach the lost".